How to Wear Tassels for College Graduation

When you walk into a graduation ceremony, the first thing you’ll see are the tassels on your dress shirt. These colorful pieces of jewelry serve as a symbol of your college career and will now be seen by many people at your graduation.

When your college graduation is near, it is important to have a fun and stylish way to show off your diploma. Tassels are a great way to do this. You can choose to wear them as a top or bottom piece on your shirt. Tassels can also be worn as a little accessory around your neck or on the back of your dress shirt. There are many ways you can wear tassels for college graduation.

Tips on How to Wear Tassels for College Graduation

  1. Decide what type of tassel you want. If you’re looking for something traditional, choose a silver or gold tassel. If you want to add a little more flair, go for a colorful tassel that is accented with red, green or orange accents.
  2. Choose the right size. Tassels can be worn as necklaces, or as earrings. The best way to choose is to measure your neck and make sure the tassel is close enough to comfortably fit around your neck.
  3. Where will the tassel go? If you’re going for a graduation ceremony, choose a location that is not too high up, or you might end up with your tassel hanging over something else.
  4. What will I wear my tassel on? Tassels are great to wear as an accessory, but not every woman wants them on her clothes. If you want your tassel to be an accent piece on your outfit, make sure it’s a nice length and size.
  5. How will I keep my tassel? Tassels are made from fabric, so they can be delicate and easily damaged. You can keep your tassel by simply hanging it or placing it on a hanger.
  6. How will I get it on? Tassels come in many different sizes and lengths, so finding the right tassel for your outfit can be a bit of a challenge. The easiest way to get a new tassel on is usually by using a hair dryer. It’s best to use the heat setting so that the fabric doesn’t become too hot. If you’re using a hair dryer and it’s not the right size tassel for your outfit, you can always trim it down if you don’t want to use it.
  7. How will I get my tassel off? Tassels aren’t designed to be taken off. To remove the tassel from your outfit, simply pull the large loop of the tassel through the large hole on your dress.

Here’s How to Wear your Tassel Proudly

The first time you wear your tassel during college graduation is always a special moment. It symbolizes your new identity and represents the milestone of your education. You should make sure to do it justice and style it in a way that makes you look sharp and professional.

  1. Start by taking off any shirt or clothes that may cover your tassel. This will give you more space to display it in its entirety. This will help make sure that everyone can see the piece of jewelry without wearing something they may not want to show.
  2. Take your tie off. Tie down your tassel first, and then fix the other side of it to the necktie. The same applies when you put the tassel on.
  3. If you prefer, you can use a colored ribbon to tie the tassels together. This way you do not have to worry about keeping them in place.
  4. You can wear the necklace with a variety of necklaces if you wish.
  5. If you have any tassels that are not in a position of their favor, don’t worry about it. Simply put them back on your dress shirt and take them off when you are finished.
  6. When you step out of the house, put on your cap and tie.
  7. Before placing your tassel in a pocket or bag, make sure that it is secured with a knot.
  8. Take it outside before you leave the house to avoid any accidental damage.
  9. Do not wear your tassel on the right side of your neck. It should be worn on the left side of your neck, as per Indian tradition.
  10. Do not wear your tassel while you are eating or cooking, as it may disturb your meal. 8) You must keep the tassel in a safe place so that it is not lost.

Why is it Important to Wear a Tassel?

When a person is graduating from college or a related institution, they may want to wear a tassel as part of their commemoration. There are many reasons why it is important for someone to wear a tassel during their graduation ceremony.

Tassels can show that the individual has completed an important task and has accomplished something worthy of celebration. They can also be used as a sign of respect and admiration to others who have completed similar tasks in life. A graduate should feel proud wearing a tassel and show off their accomplishments to the world!

Tassels can be a fun way to show off your diploma and make yourself look more stylish. In the current political climate, it’s important to be vocal and visible. However, tassels can help you stand out in a sea of black t-shirts, polo shirts and khakis.


There’s no need to feel self-conscious about wearing a tassel at your college graduation. With a little creativity and planning, any individual can put together an amazing visual statement that will celebrate their educational journey.

Make sure to wear a tassel that fits you well and one that isn’t too distracting. A tassel can be a great way to show off your degree or even an alternative to the traditional bow tie. Don’t hesitate to wear one!

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